Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1264 miles.....

What an amazing weekend......catching up with friends, spending time in a part of the country that I've never been to before...and hey - racking up some serious miles on the Acura....

A recap:
Miles driven: 1264
States driven through: 7
CD's listened to (either in part or all tracks): 57
Dunkin' Donuts passed in the state of Massachusetts alone: at least 184 (I lost count)
Tires needing nail removal and repair: 2 (thank you Sears, for doing it for free!)
Prizes won: 0, but I had a blast at the arcade at Salisbury Beach on Friday night!
Lobsters eaten: 3 (Had lobster in Scranton today....Cooper's ROCKS!)
Movies watched: 1 (Eat, Pray, Love......very enjoyable, but read the book first)
Calories/pounds gained: For me to know, and you to never find out.....birthday cake doesn't count, right?

To all my wonderful friends (and new friends made) that I spent time with this weekend, a heartfelt THANK YOU for making this one of the best birthdays ever!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Lane, glad to hear you had an enjoyable trip! I am on my own little mini-vacation to Florida right now with the wife and with the *cough cough* in-laws ... so I wouldn't exactly call it a vacation. So yes, I am racking the miles up on my Tundra as well :)
